Unable to deploy custom module built in module builder

I created module using modul builder, but when I try to deploy it it hangs and messes up my entire site, I need to reinstall it again to get it working.

I saw no problems in log file.

The problem that occurs after I try to deploy it is that when I refresh the page on deployment I am able to get into administration, bbut the repair and rebuild hangs on relationships, and when trying to do rebuild relationships it hangs at jjwg_address_cash.

I am attaching file I did with “Publish” from module builder.

Any suggestions?


See John’s reply in this topic.



Thx Will, I managed to deploy the module in 7.3. It reported that there were some errors, but I checked and module is workign as it should, so I did not bother anymore with those errors… :wink:

Have a nice weekend!


If they were notices/warnings, you can suppress these by editing your php.ini and then restarting your apache web service. You can find out how to do this on our forums or Google.

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Everything is fine now.
