Two-way sync for SuiteCRM Calendar to Google Calendar

Ok, I spoke too soon. It shows if I look at my user profile from the admin account but it doesnā€™t show when I look from my actual user accnt. I think I understand why that is the case since itā€™s not actually configuredā€¦so at least I have some hopeā€¦ Let me try this some more and see whatā€™s happening hereā€¦

I think I found the solution for me. I didnā€™t have the config_override.php file on the system. I created a blank one and then the json uploaded just fine and I was able to authorize.

This may be why I was unable to get the log to change to logging ERROR. Not sure on that but donā€™t really care at this point as my calendarā€™s working.

Am I supposed to be seeing my Google Calendar events on my SuiteCRM calendar? Iā€™m getting them from SuiteCRMā€“>Google but not vice versa. Just wondering if Iā€™m seeing what is expected behavior or not.

Any events you add to the ā€˜SuiteCRMā€™ calendar on Google should be synced back. The most common mistake users make is adding new events to their Default calendar instead of the one named ā€˜SuiteCRMā€™.

That was it. Thanks. Everything appears to be working 100%.

I was able to successfully sync the google calendar. It authorized and created the suitecrm calendar. But, now all of the ical, vcal, google. etc integrations are blank. But, I can create a meeting in suitecrm it saves and shows.

Any idea what I should be doing?


Iā€™m trying to synchronize my google calendar with my suiteCRM calendar. Itā€™s working except that all meetings are duplicated (not updated) in my SuiteCRM calendar every time the synchronization takes place. So, I can have the exact same meeting (same day, same time) 10 times (and even moreā€¦). Note that on the Google side, itā€™s OK (I created a ā€œSuiteCRMā€ calendar in Google.)

SuiteCRM Version: 7.11.3 on Windows machine using SQL.

Any idea?


@louise.lalonde, did you resolve this? Are you using the Calendar app on a Mac?

@stephenmchugh: No: not solved yet. No replies at all. Iā€™m using Windows machine.

Perhaps related, perhaps not, but I had very strange behaviour when using the Calendar app on a Mac, synced to my Google calendar. Editing a synced calendar item resulted in hundreds (literally) of updates being sent to each invitee until I closed the Calendar app. I havenā€™t had time to investigate the cause and I darenā€™t open the Calendar app!

I am currently on this topic facing an issue which is most probably easy to solve. After setting up the Google settings with the .json I am running into a problem with the redirect when clicking on Authenticate for any user. My redirect goes to: while it should go to my domain instead of my internal tcp i guess. I am using the docker following this blog post with only minor changes. Its a general proxy setup, so I guess there must be somewhere the problem but I couldnā€™t figure out so far how to change the setup to make the redirects work. I appreciate any further help. My logs didnā€™t really help but I will try to post some more interesting logs shortly.

Have a look at your config.php, there are two settings that should be checked (I donā€™t have the specific names in mind, something like ā€œsite_urlā€ and ā€œhostā€/ā€œhost_nameā€). Usually, URLs generated by suite refer to these values.

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Thanks for your fast reply. Really cheered me up after a frustrating day :smile: The options are ā€œsite_urlā€ and ā€œhost_nameā€. I set them to and Now the sync is working. Now I try to figure out how to change my docker to adapt the settings automatically.

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Yes, It is possible.
Follow the Step:

  1. I log-in to the SuiteCRM.
  2. Go to profile then advanced tab.
  3. then I copy the iCal integration URL.
  4. paste it on the Add by URL in Other Calendars using the Google Calendar
    You Can Check out here:


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