Twitter and Facebook

Does the twitter and facebook connectors actually work? Tried everything and cant find any up to date instructions. Any thing that actually works would be pretty useful


Twitter definitely works because I am using it. I haven’t tried the Facebook connector though.

Have you configured the connector properties with your Twitter developer key?

Thanks for replying, I am getting this error when I press the login to twitter from the dashlet:-
Whoa there!

The request token for this page is invalid. It may have already been used, or expired because it is too old. Please go back to the site or application that sent you here and try again; it was probably just a mistake.

If anyone has a simple up to date guide it would be very welcome

Hi there,
about Twitter; i had enabled it on Admin->Connectors Settings
and it works. See attachment.

But what have i to do with Facebook? It seems to do nothing.

Any upto date intructions from anyone woukld be very welcome


Hello, I have the same problem, have you had any news. to thank. greetings.

Latest instructions for My Activity Stream Dashlet -> Log into Twitter:

  • Setup Twitter App


    2. Settings tab
      Name * - any
      Description * - any
      Website * -
      Callback URL -

    3. Keys and Access Tokens tab
      Application Settings -> need to “Reganerate Consumer Key and Secret” !!! do it every time smth is changed
      Your Access Token -> might need to “Regenerate My Access Token and Token Secret”

    4. Permissions tab
      leave on “Read only”

  • Setup Connector in your SuiteCRM instance

    1. Admin -> Connectors -> Set Connector Properties -> Twitter tab

    2. Consumer Key: * -> enter your “Consumer Key (API Key)” from Twitter

    3. Consumer Secret: * -> enter your “Consumer Secret (API Secret)” from Twitter

  • if Home page is already opened Ctrl F on the Home page - so the new token will be generated for the “Log into Twitter” button

  • click on the “Log into Twitter” button

  • you will be redirected back to the home page

  • login button disappeared means you have already logged in

  • cannot see your tweets - use dashlet’s refresh button

Bug fixes (will be added to the latest release)

  • include/MVC/Controller/entry_point_registry.php
    ‘twitter_callback’ => array(‘file’ => ‘include/social/twitter/twitter_auth/callback.php’, ‘auth’ => true),

  • include/social/twitter/twitter_helper.php - line 83
    $url = $url . “/index.php?entryPoint=twitter_callback”;

  • include/social/twitter/twitter_auth/callback.php
    instead of include_once(’…/…/…/…/…/config.php’);

Also it is worth to mention that is just a placeholder (this is what Twitter API suggests to put there) - the SuiteCRM will call an appropriate file anyway.

You can also change to as far as I know.

I must be doing something wrong - I don’t have a Twitter dashlet available to add…?

Hi blloyd, I changed it to
Latest instructions for My Activity Stream Dashlet -> Log into Twitter:

Thank you!

I still get that “The request token for this page is invalid…” for twiter. I’ve regenerated and quickly added to the crm. CTRL+F5 to clear any cahce on the home page and reload, clicked on “log into twitter”… “The request token for this page is invalid…” again. I’m having worse issues with facebook. but I rather sort twitter.