Turning off developer mode smarty error

PHP Warning: Undefined array key ā€œLOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGEā€ in /bitnami/suitecrm/cache/smarty/templates_c/%%04^047^047CC1D0%%login.tpl.php on line 27 2023-06-27T16:22:33.060383502Z [27-Jun-2023 16:22:33 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key ā€œLOGIN_ERRORā€ in /bitnami/suitecrm/cache/smarty/templates_c/%%04^047^047CC1D0%%login.tpl.php on line 47

when i turn off developer mode my log gets full off these errors
i also found out that there is a bunch of weird named files inside the templates folder, it seems or feels something is wrong with it?

hereā€™s some files:

i am using the following container: bitnami/suitecrm:7.13.2-debian-11-r1