Troubles with crmSuite in a 1&1 Server

Hi Everybody,

After a new installation (crmSuite 7.9) in a 1and1 Server (PHP 7.1), I have a lot of problems with js methods. For example, if i want to register a Call, the explores gives me this errors like:

1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ā€˜fill_inviteesā€™ of undefined at HTMLInputElement.onclick (VM3007 index.php?action=ajaxui:1) onclick @ VM3007 index.php?action=ajaxui:1 2VM3007 index.php?action=ajaxui

It happens when I create Calls, Meeting, etcā€¦and itā€™s imposible to save any :frowning:

Best Regards

Which 7.9? Is it 7.9.0, 7.9.9, what?

Check your suitecrm.log for any clues at the moment you try those functions, or for any other messages of type ā€œERRORā€ or ā€œFATALā€.

i got Problems with Php 7.1, maybe try to change it to 7.0.

Best regards,
