Trouble Finding Imported Custom Module in SuiteCRM 8

I recently exported a custom module from one SuiteCRM instance and tried to load it into another. The upload was successful, but I can’t find the module anywhere in the new instance.
I’ve checked Admin → Studio-> Modules , but it’s not listed there.

Does anyone have any suggestions on why this might be happening?
SuiteCRM Version: 8.6.2
Custom Module Details: I customized the quotation and named it Sales
Import Method: Module Loader

You must go to Admin=>Module Builder and there you will find the module. So you have Deploy the module from there. After doing the deployment operation, don’t forget to Quick Repair and Rebuild and also to correct the CRM files permission if it does not work after Repair.


Hello @suitecrm_developer
Perhaps maybe I didn’t get your very well! but how do you deploy it from there. I can’t find it there! I meant when you upload it from module Loader, where do you find or activate it.

Did you check this in your CRM?

Admin → Developer Tools → Module Builder

rsp have told you the navigation links to go to that area.
Then there you will see list of packages, You can open the related package and then modules in it. You will find deploy button over there, just click it and the module will get deployed.

Developer Tools :: SuiteCRM Documentation

How to create a module in suiteCRM tutorial part 4 (


I find sometimes both in SuiteCRM 7 and 8 when you launch a new module sometimes even though you add it to the menu, it doesn’t appear until you’ve navigated to the page at least once. How can you you do that if it’s not in the menu you say? Just go to Accounts for example and edit the URL to input your custom module slug. Then you’ll see it magically appears in your menu system.

Also… in SuiteCRM 8 the module import won’t work. The R&R is broken. It never syncs the DB with Vardefs. You’ll see if look at the file system all the files are there, yet the module has not created the DB entries or all of the ext files it’ needs. I think R&R is broken. I posted about this earlier (again I don’t have that many SuiteCRM 8 installs on the go, and even fewer where I need to launch a custom module so it could just be a me problem, but others commented the same.).