Translations of suiteCRM

What about encouraging people to translate suiteCRM in their mothertongue by using an external tool such like

On this way the translations could be done also by “part time” participators as well as by core supporters.
It would help to defragment the language files (as it is currently, as all files will then be located in one place.


Hi Awidon,

Thank you for your suggestion. If you are aware of anyone who wishes to contribute to language packs not already being worked on, please let us know.



Seems that I didn’t explain well what I want to suggest.
I am thinking of an online translation tool. Such as the one mentioned above or e.g. Pootle.

If you want to see them in action:
Pootle is used by TYPO3:
and Otrance is used by OXID:

I personally might prefer Pootle as a visitor can not only translate the suiteCRM core and modules online “on the fly”. -> With Pootle it is also possible that the suiteCRM user/admin can upload files s/he translated locally on her/his machine.

I would imagine that such tool motivates suitecrm users to participate in translating as it makes access easy.


Hi! I would like to help you with translation to Serbian as I would need it anyway. Please instruct me how to do it? Thanks!

Hi there,

Are you familiar with the SuiteCRM file structure and language files? Currently, the only way to develop languages for SuiteCRM is to build custom language files.

The suggestion by AWIDON is something that would be beneficial but is not something we have investigated as yet.



i guess i do. Translate language file for every module from the module directory on github. also in install folder and in include/language. have i missed some?


I ran across another project. A calendar plug in for Word Press. They have some form of tool to make it easy to translate the files. Here is the page of translation for the French language:

It is very visual, and woudl make it easier to translate on a common platform to which all have access to.

Users and the Suite CRM team are looking for ways to improve the language availability.

Hopefully they will find a simple, effective tool that they can adapt to their needs.


Please join a Transifex project for suiteCRM localization -

Details here: