Translation packs for 7.2.2 need revisions before publishing

% complete for top languages:

Translations for SuiteCRM 7.6 Beta is now ready to download (you can also improve them online)
To download choose your country flag and only then hit download:
Note: language packs also work for 7.5.x versions

Top translated languages (from 49 languages)

  • Please invite some more translators to your language!

Language files updated to SuiteCRM 7.6 Beta 2

Some reports on translation project for SuiteCRM as there has been some quantity improvements on translations.
URL for Crowdin project:

Major stats

  • Version 7.6.4 is actively maintained and updated
  • 64 488 words to translate
  • 349 translators working together online, some very active ones!
  • 50 languages available for translation (with available language packs)
  • 4 languages has received a major boost on percentage done: Turkish, Slovak, Korean, Romanian.
  • 18 languages over 80% done (9 of them are 90% done)
  • 6 languages are not actively maintained (under 15% done)

There are 2 new languages available:

  • Albanian (79% done) and Latvian (88% done)
    Note: if you have more languages files please send a link with zip so it can be uploaded. Contact on Crowdin project.

On the quality side:
-This is done by each language team (proofreaders and translators)
Please join or invite more translators to your team

Have you translated today?
Enter here:
Each daily rebuild will make your translations available in new language pack.

Stats for major languages progress:

Those stats are amazing! Great work, everybody.

I wonder about the Spanish translationā€¦ how is it possible to be always lagging behind the other ā€œbigā€ languages, with so many translatorsā€¦

@horus68 it would be interesting to know which translation are more used than others, i.e. number of downloads of each.

I bet that would put more pressure on the Spanish translators as well : - )

No download stats available from crowdin :frowning:

On the spanish team (the biggest team with 70 translators): I donā€™t know what is the problem, I assume there has to be some relation on the days that spanish was delivered with core files
Note: Spanish is 84%, Catalan is 87% and Spanish Mexico is 68%.

I already tried to talk with them (forum and private message) but no luck!


  • 3 languages has received now a major boost on percentage done: French, Slovak, German (Switzerland), Korean .
  • 23 languages over 80% done (11 of them are 90% done)
  • Spanish is getting translations again ( now more then 90% done)
  • New languages: Spanish (Paraguay) , Serbian (Latin)
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7.7 language packs are ready to download

Enter here, pick your language and download:

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Thank for sharing

Language packs for version 7.7.5 are ready to download at Crowdin project
You donā€™t need to register to download, only to translate!
enter here:

Language packs for 7.7.6 ready to download

You can collaborate too by translating and reviewing translations!

Language packs for 7.7.7 ready to download

There are now 9 languages translated more then 98% (3 of them are 100% completed)
What about your language?! B)

Woa, itā€™s great.
Thank your for sharing, it is what Iā€™m looking for

Translations for SuiteCRM 7.8.0 rc available via the translation project at Crowdin:

Note: we have now 9languages that reached 99% done.
Why not helping to translate and place your language in the same level?

=> SuiteCRM versions: 7.8.x and 7.9.x
Download language packs zip from sourceforge:

wowā€¦works great for German!!!

am on

Version 7.8.2

Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Erstellen 509)

well documented also

Thanks a million!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


Language packs for 7.9.1 version are ready!

5 languages are now 100% fully translated by community members:
Spanish / Portuguese, Brazilian / Portuguese / Polish / Chinese Traditional

Also a note on those 99% translated
Dutch / Chinese Simplified / French / Serbian (Latin)

Many other languages are just waiting for your collaboration.
Enter here: