Track Visitis of Users at Users of Accounts/Leads

I need a way to achieve to track Visits of Salesmen on Stores as activities on Accounts or Leads.

Every Salesman should visit all stores which are Leads or Accounts every 6 months before tha Fair of his Region.

Also he should provide feedback after every visit.

Do you have any proposal which module i should use for that? I thougt of tasks.

This is my first contact with Crm Systems so any help or idea is really helpful.

You should create a custom module, or use tasks, and build relationships to Accounts/Leads so that when you log a visit, it relates to the Account/Lead record, meaning that you can then report on this data using the reports module when required and also use workflow automation.



Hi there! I understand the comments here are 4 years old but wondered how you solved this? 1 year into implementation and finding that the sales team is not putting things in properly and there is no way to track weekly visits. If it is a custom module you have made, I would like to know about it before I go and “reinvent the wheel?” Thanks