.tpl file values...

Some values and variables are used in .tpl file if conditions …

I need to know where the variables are assigned with variables…

And which is the corresponding php file for detrailview.tpl in themes/suitp/view/tpl

Hello karthic

For this kind of thing you’re trying to do - follow the code to see how things are related, I use this trick:

I create a file in /usr/sbin called “see”, with these contents:

grep --include=\*.{php,ini,conf,cnf,js} -irn '/var/www/html/' -e "$1" | grep -v cache | grep -v Upgrade | grep -v upload | awk -F: '{if(f!=$1)print ""; f=$1; print $0;}'

Then I give it execute access

chmod 775 /usr/sbin/see

And then I call it simply like this, for example:

see detailview.tpl

Sometimes I then filter the results appending something like " | grep -v custom" to exclude something, or to further filter results like " | grep -i require"

This is a generic technique, and it is basically a “find in files” but I find it practical and I hope it can be useful to you, even if I can’t answer your specific question (I don’t know, sorry).

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Thanks for u r response brother…

But i cant understand what your are telling…

I need the Corresponding file that contain specific values that are used in the .tpl files

That’s an attempt to “teach you how to fish” instead of “giving you a fish to eat”. Apparently, it failed… :slight_smile:

I really think you need to improve your forum questions. A good forum question comes after an hour or more of work trying to get something working, and takes 15 or 30 minutes to write. It includes software versions, accurate description of a specific problem, what you already tried, maybe code samples, errors you’re getting, and online tutorials you’ve been following.

That makes it possible for people to answer you in a few lines, if they know the solution. Instead, you do the opposite, you write a few lines in 30 seconds, and expect other people to write a book chapter of documentation, with distinctions (“if you are on Linux, do this; if you are on Windows, do that”), with generic introductions and explanations, with generic code… or you expect people to enter into a 30 post conversation with you to ask you about your situation and figure out every detail… no wonder you don’t get any answers.

Please don’t think that I am mad at you, this is just friendly, constructive advice. You really have to help others to help you…