To create advanced filter in list view to filter list based on two fields with or operator

How to create advanced filter in list view with two date fields data with or operator

For example to list those records having date created last month or date modified last month

As advanced filter always uses and operator instead of or Operator

How to update the query to filter the records as per above filter

Please try the following steps:

Replace #MODULE# with your module

  1. Update custom/modules/#MODULE#/metadata/SearchFields.php (copy from modules folder if not present) with the following item
  'search_date_entered_modified' => array(
            'query_type' => 'default',
            'db_field' => array('date_entered', 'date_modified'),
			'is_date_field' => false,
  1. Update custom/modules/#MODULE#/metadata/searchdefs.php (copy from modules folder if not present) with the following item in β€˜advance_search’ array.
		'default' => false,
        'width' => '10%',
		'label' => 'Date (Entered/Modified)',
		'type' => 'date',
  1. Quick Repair & Rebuild


No it’s not working this way query is not getting formed correctly

Also the filter is not getting applied properly

Please try if the changing the definitions as follows works.

  'search_date_entered_modified' => array(			
			'query_type' => 'format',
             'operator' => 'subquery',
			 "select id from aos_products where aos_products.date_entered like '%{0}%' OR aos_products.date_modified like '%{0}%'",
			 'db_field' => 
				array (
				   0 => 'id',
			'is_date_field' => true,			 


		'default' => true,
        'width' => '10%',
		'label' => 'Date (Entered/Modified)',
		'type' => 'date',

Thanks for the suggestion. Yes now query is getting formed but the query fails when we enable range search for this date field

I think we can write the range logic in the subquery SQL using between or <= ,>= etc. operators. Could you please try. Thanks.