To contribute Indonesian translation

Dear all,

I am interested to contribute and maintain Indonesian translation for Suite CRM. Please kindly advise if we can collaborate and work together on this, and please let me know how I can help.

Currently, I am one of active contributor to Drupal Indonesian translation team, but I am relatively new to Sugar CRM. Therefore please kindly guide me on how to start the translation process & workflow with Suite CRM. I also have checked Indonesian translation project on SugarForge, however looks like it’s an abandoned project (still on planning stage) and may not be useful for Suite CRM. This is the reason why I propose to maintain Indonesian translation for our new community.

Lastly, thank you for such great work. Suite CRM rock!

Lucky I. Ismail

Hi Lucky I. Ismail,

We welcome any contributions made by the community to improve the SuiteCRM project. The easiest way to contribute your language pack is contributing to our GIT project.



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Hi Will,

Thank you for your prompt response :slight_smile:

Firstly, let me learn how the translation work in Sugar.

In the mean time, please let this thread open, I will be back again soon.


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Will help you, too.
Let me know when you plan to start it, Ismail.

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Is it starting? I will join too…

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I have started the Bahasa Indonesia translation project at

In order to centralize our effort to this translation, please kindly fork this project and pull to consolidate your translation here. I appreciate all helps from fellow contributors.

Currently, I am still on early stage. I am translating files on ./include/language for start.

What you can help to this translation:

  1. Suggestion on terms translation (well, Indonesian terms structure is very different than other language, I cannot translate these term ‘as is’, or it won’t make any sense)
  2. Interface translation
  3. Module translation.
  4. Others help and suggestion would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.


I am a bit lost here.Oof the two following ways, which is the best way to translate to Indonesian:

  1. Should I fork SuiteCRM master and translate each en_us* files to Indonesian, then I submit pull request to have translation to be merge to master project (this is what I do now), or,
  2. Should I start to create Indonesian translation pack, instead?

Thank you for your guide. I really appreciate your opinion.


Use Transifex online localization platform.
Indonesian is now 76 ready!
See here: