TinyMCE - HTML Purifier

Hey there,

I’d like to know a way to disable HTML purifier in TinyMCE Version: 3.5.10 (2013-10-24).
If not disable then at least turn-off HTML cleanup of code.

Thanx in advance.

Hi John,

We’re currently looking at solutions but have not currently found a permanent fix(after several discussions with the guys @ HTMLPurifier) that is upgrade safe.

There is a handy tool here for things like style tags.



Hi Will,

Basically I was trying to get “responsive” e-mails constructed. The MailChimp link also strips the code for responsive e-mails.
As you said, there are multiple files (non-upgrade-safe) that contain the “clean-HTML” calls.



Also stuck with a friendly purifier that mutilates my responsive emails. Any solutions ?. Quite a bummer after designing all those responsive ones. :wink:

Any chance there is a way to just paste the hml in the mailtemplate (comong from dreamweaver) and let htmlpurifier and tinymce out of the loop?
Maybe with some php modification ?

Liek this: http://www.tinymce.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=436

I have solved this issue by pasting the code directly in the database.
It is a clear hack, which cannot work for most, but ir has worked for me. I am planning to write a little module in order to do it from within the CRM.
Still, this is not a user firendly method but with brute force i solves a worse prolem!

I just posted the same issue about almost 1.5 years after you have posted it. I simply cannot believe this is even an issue in this day and age in a CRM like this! After having spent months using SuiteCRM I finally get to testing email campaigns only to find this issue. I’m shaking my head. Are we expected to send text emails for marketing campaigns. There should be a simple way to toggle this on or off. To have to insert the template directly into the database to make this work is horrendous. I’m sorry but I’m so frustrated at this. Makes me want to pay and buy into a better CRM instead of using this. Having a background in Unix, Linux and open source and I’m saying this. Terribly frustrating!