Times in Change Log using GMT

Our system time is set to America/New_York, and all times are formatted correctly … EXCEPT those in the “Change Log” for the Leads module.

Changes are noted in GMT.
How can I force Change Log to use our designated timezone?


Sorry, I have a hard time checking that because all my test systems are in GMT! My own, and the two live demos (SalesAgility + Softaculous).

Things you can check:

  • your date.timezone setting in the php.ini for the web server
  • your date.timezone setting in the php.ini for the CLI
  • if the times shown in Admin / Scheduler are in the correct timezone
  • if the “Change Log” in any other module has the same problem

Then share your results and I will see if I can investigate further. Thanks!

CentOS only has one php configuration file for CLI, Apache, Fast-CGI, etc.
Timezone is set correctly.
Times shown everywhere else are correct.
We don’t use any other modules with Change Logs so I couldn’t say, although I wouldn’t think so. (?)

This was a documented bug in Sugar Enterprise up to version 7.8 when it was addressed.

Anyone know how/where to fix it?

I can’t find a “Bugs” forum on this Website any more.

Bugs are reported on GitHub:


but it would be much better to start the issue there already with some work done towards a solution. There are to many abandoned Issues there and you risk not getting any reply…