Time zone setting --where to set ?

With default installation (local Hdisk) it is somewhere in the westcoast USA, i need it for CET (Central European Time) like Amsterdam.

I made a module APRODUCTS where I intend to import Companyname and Aproduct (two fields in this file.

I tried to set relation in Module Aproducts Aproducts many/many Accounts.

But after mapping and test import file I see the Aproducts but they are NOT related to the Accounts.

Purpose: Company XXX making (several) Aproducts YYY and if clicking Aproduct I see My Accounts Company XXX as well,so vice versa
many to Many.

Thanks for the help !

Some weeks ago with a first trial, it was working somehow,but after many attempt I am asking this in the forum here.

Timezone finally updated is now okay.

Remains : the relation between Accounts and Aproducts.