Time criteria query - guidance

Hello :wave:

My brain is going square looking at this - might be being absolutely stupid so i’ve come here to confirm.

I’ve made a report to list the calls done today.

Service operates from 2pm - 2am

If a call was made between 00:00 and 02:00 i’d like them to be filtered out of that days report based on ‘Date Created’ field

i.e that top record 01:25 shouldn’t be there.

I’ve tried the criteria field a few hundred ways;

This gets me exactly what i want but relies on user input to change the date ‘value’

This doesn’t get me expected results either

I’m looking for a timelord for assistance - failing that i can always propose to close the service at 00:00 as it’s easier :joy:

As always - thanks for the time & attention.

You can do it as a “parameter” to allow the user to just change it right on the report screen. I would normally do it as end date = “today” but your problem is today spans two days. If you don’t want to end at midnight, you might have to continue to allow the users to change the date/time as a parameter in the report. I can’t think of any other way.

The long way around would be to create a custom field for like “call date” and then use a calculation to determine that a call before 2am the next day counts as “today” then you could use the custom field as a basis determining what “business day” the call was on.

This is the way! I’ll dig to china and back if i have to ;') - Thanks for the assist! :slight_smile: