Time based workflow not working

I am creating a workflow to send an email to the lead. Email to be sent to lead after 5 minutes if the disposition value equal to not contacted, but email is fired immediately after creating the lead. Attaching the screen shot for the same. did anyone have solution for this issue.

Be careful with “Always, All Records” workflows. Your cron jobs will run every minute, and every minute they will go through every Lead in your system.

Regarding the conditions, try inverting the date condition. It’s confusing and I never know which way to put the conditions. I think it’s easier to try it in several ways and see what works.

But make those tests with simple actions such as setting a field on a record. Don’t start sending emails to your customers just to find out if your Workflow conditions are correct :slight_smile:

Thanks for your response, I tried with now +5 minutes, this condition never works at all, for testing i am using my email.

You now-5 minutes is correct. So if that’ s not working something else is going on.

Try “only in the scheduler” and see if that help.

Ensure your cron jobs are running.

Ensure the process workflows is running in the scheduler.

I think you should try running it for modified records only.
and now + five minutes should work as it is as per your requirements
if the status is changed many times against one lead, then you should enable Repeated Runs as well.
The better approach is to try it with some test leads data then you will get the better idea about how it works

I tried with + 5minutes also not working.

now+5 minutes , will always be 5 minutes from now so date created will always be less than that, so that will never work for this example

I assume what you want is to trigger a workflow, approx 5 minutes after it was created

Taking an example, where the lead was created at 12:00, you would want it to run at 12:05

So what you want to say as when it’s less than or equal to now - 5 minutes

So that at 12:05, 12:00 will be less than or equal to 12:05 - 5 minutes and will trigger regardless of your schedule running on time or not