Thunderbird plugin - error connecting to SuiteCRM

My apologies if I’m posting this in the wrong category, but I didn’t see dedicated one for Thunderbird plugin/add-on

I’ve installed SuiteCRM under my website via admin-panel of my hosting company.
I then downloaded the Thunderbird plugin following the link provided at

The installed SuiteCRM is:

  • Version 7.1.5
  • Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)

Unfortunately, I keep getting an error from the Thunderbird plugin stating that it is unable to connect and to verify the URL.
URL and login credentials are perfectly fine (verified numerous times).

However, the TB error console is logging the following error:
OpacusSTP bailing on client return status: 403)

I’ve opened a ticked with the hoster and their final findings are as followed:

It seems that you are getting denied by your application itself:

Can someone please assist on how to resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance for your help!

This is an Opacus related issue.

Does the plug-in work with SugarCRM CE 6.5.x? Is it a bug specific to SuiteCRM?



FYI - May not be related, but I am making a note of this here for reference.

We are using the Opacus SugarCRM Thunderbird integration 0.9.6.
We are also using the Google Sync extension from SugarOutfitters

The trial license for GSync ran out today, and interestingly the Opacus plugin began failing with Could not login to SugarCRM errors.
I renewed the license for the GSync plugin and Thunderbird plugin began working again!!

I didn’t try to deactivate the Gsync plugin for my SuiteCRM account.
I did try to remove myself from the licensed users list, but this did not resolve the problem.

I suspect ( have not proved ) that uninstalling Gsync if it is not in use would resolve the Thunderbird plugin.

The key point, is to note that there is a functional relationship between these two extensions, which is not obvious and is not expected.


FYI - I’m having the same problem and not using the Google sync extension.

I can confirm that this issue does present when the Gsync license validation fails, as it happened again today. Once the license was activated again then the Opacus plugin was able to login and the issue went away.

kpx, do you have any further details ? can you check the logs to see what errors you might be getting ?

Interesting information about GSync interfering with the web services login, will check it out.

For those experiencing problems with login to SuiteCRM from both the GPL and Pro Opacus Tbird extensions, there was a bug in another extension called Provider for Google Calendar which affected the generation of the password md5sum for Sugar. Some extra details can be found here:

The bug was fixed a month or so ago, but if you’re using Debian/Ubuntu it may not have filtered down (the Provider extension is called calendar-google-provider)
