Thought For The Day: the SuiteCRM 7.7.8 release

Today it was released the 7.7.7 version (fixing a security issue and that was great!)… but, is there an estimated time to a 7.7.8 (regular) release?
This is relevant to understand the way versions are planed or the global project health.
On a less relevant perspective this can also be considered for the ones building CRM offline and planing a future project release.

For the 7.7.8 i mean a release that is not “only” for security issues but that will include most of the PR aimed to fix code issues (no new functionality) and waiting to be merged?

By the numbers: since the 7.7.6 release only 7 PR has been merged.
The details showed this was done in two lots: 5 and 3 days so it look like it was done already with this release in mind.
Not much activity on merging PR right?
I don’t see here a regular merging workflow where normally (in other projects) the merging tasks are created when there is time to be tested and approved.
With SuiteCRM code it looks like there is no spare time for final test and approval.

To SalesAgility i just say: You have done a great job so far, but you must find another way to work with the regular releases.
You can’t just work with security issues or small fixes or incorporate what you need on your own installations. There is a community out there and they need you to merge more PR by month.

Some numbers: 7.7.5 was a low PR merged version, most just for Them issues.
Since 7.7.6 (19 days ago) more then 40 PR has been created, most by SuiteCRM devs, but not merged ye.
Note: there are 181 PR opened in gthub

Please look int other projects, there are other ways, I already proposed some
Merging PR party? -

Considering the conversations by many other users on related subjects, there is a need from the community for:
1- Time framed version release system for “normal versions”.
2- Merging PR with code fixes on a workflow (after X users testing it they are proposed to go to final test from Salesagility and then be merged)
3- Fixing code issues without PR (there are many code issues, we need a time table on what issues should be done next so the users now what is more important to do next)
4- Implementing goals for new features so community can be involved in it in a time frame and avoid lonely efforts not approved or tested by others

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