It is very hard to describe this bug as the bug has a mind of its own of when i decides to turn up.
Basically if you go to themes -> Suite R -> change a couple of colour with the colour chooser -> save - > save.
Sometimes it wont save the change at all. sometimes it will.
If anybody can elaborate on this and help to pinpoint this bug that would be great!
yeah we get same bug… i’ve just been persisting at this point
Definitely has been happening to me… and sometimes I’ll change a different color, just to have my button colors reset to white yet again!
This can cause serious chaos with the users, if you don’t notice it, and suddenly everyone’s asking where the edit dashlet buttons went… ect.
Well, because I cannot edit my previous post! Here’s my latest discovery.
The color picker creates entries in config_override.php … and sometimes instead of putting the color value in the override, it puts words! Like the word ‘Save’!
Here’s my line from config_override.php
$sugar_config['theme_settings']['SuiteR']['button'] = 'Save';
Here’s what I want it to be:
$sugar_config['theme_settings']['SuiteR']['button'] = 'CBDAE6';
I’d suggest changing all the colors you want to change in the color picker, hitting save… then going and text editing them in config_override.php and make sure to make a backup, before using the color picker again.
Also the default icon color should definitely be something other than White, cause then no one can edit the dashlets on the default background. I changed my icon color to CBDAE6, as well.
Well that is one way of checking!!
ooo! I think I found your issue in github, definitely should have looked there first, right?
For the future confused people, who find the forum post on google, before github…
ha! yeah forgot about that fix i made… or you could pull the fix and that should solve the problem!
Have good’in