The SuiteCRM Guide

I’ve been working on video tutorials and whilst doing this, I’ve been adding the contents to my website as well:

It aims at the UI / admin / concept side of things, rather than SuiteCRM development.
I’m curious about your feedback - what do you think about the guite so far and what’s missing?


That’s very informative and I liked that you have attached your video tutorials too.

You can make the blog/ video on …

  • the administration page(Like all those options and how to use them).
  • config, config_override files.
  • the log files.
  • how to make UI modification/customization.
  • SuiteCRM add-ons.
  • logic hooks and how to code/config them.
  • folder structures, content and what it does.
  • language packages and how to install.
  • scheduled tasks, what are they and how to config.
  • APIs and how to use/configure them.
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Danke Bastian für die Videos. Auch wenn Ich SuiteCRM schon seit der ersten Migration von SugarCRM :slight_smile: nutze habe ich doch einige wertvolle Tipps erhalten.