The sorting in the “HISTORY” sub-panel of the “Accounts” module by the “Due_Date” field does not work

When you click on sorting in the “HISTORY” sub-panel across the “Due_Date” field in the “Accounts” module, the sorting works once, sorted and then how many times do not press the sorting, the order of the entries does not change.
If you work in the module “Contacts”, then the sorting in the sub-panel “History” by the field “Due_Date” works out, the sorting works.

I ask for advice, where you can fix for work sorting.

Version Suitecrm 7.10.9
Chrome 69.0.3497.100 (64 bit)
php 7.2

There was an issue with this recently on GitHub, maybe you can search there to see the current status?

Works for me.
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