The significance of "Name" in modules.


I am trying to add a bunch of related custom modules. The first problem I have encountered is the relationships seem to be keyed on “Name”. So when I open the “select” box for the relationship, I can search for the item, but I cannot click it. The Relationship labels all end in _name.

Is this mandatory behaviour and if not how do I change it? Virtually none of my modules have a “Name” field so I have hidden the given default.


Second question…

If I create a relationship say:

Custom Module 1 --> Custom Module 2

Then when viewing Custom Module 1, I get shown references to the related entity in Custom Module 2. However when I view Custom Module 2 I do not get a reciprocal link back to Custom Module 1. If I add a bi-directional relationship then it seems to create two independent relationships.

Is there any easy way to make relationships navigable bi-directionally?