The result of the curl call to the graphql page was empty. Error encountered during installation

I am installing suiteCRM-8.6.2 in Windows 11 with php version 8.2.
modified the php.ini with the following configuration:

despite that I am getting an warning message:

The result of the curl call to the graphql page was empty.
The url used for the call was: http://localhost/suiteCRM-8.6.2/public/api/graphql.

Did you complete this step in the server setup section of Suitecrm 8 installation

Yes I have, I am using the lastest version of xammp

Please verify you have mod_rewrite enabled

this is the response of phpinfo(); function

Also please verify you have display_errors =Off in you php.ini

The mod_rewrite is enabled, but I got the same error. So, I changed the AllowOverride from None to All, and it worked.


I think you might have misread the documentation because it is asking you to AllowOverride from All

Yeah I missed that part. I am now encountering this error "Database connection error: the provided database hostname, port, username, and/or password is invalid "

Check your config file.

'dbconfig' =>
array (
   'db_host_name' => 'localhost',
   'db_host_instance' => 'SQLEXPRESS',
   'db_user_name' => 'dbuser',
   'db_password' => 'dbpass',
   'db_name' => 'dbname',
   'db_type' => 'mysql',
   'db_port' => '',
   'db_manager' => 'MysqliManager',

What database you’re using? Did you create a DB?