the login view redirect to install.php

Hi everyone,

In first place, thanks for reading. I have a little problem. I have installed a suitecrm in a web’s subdomain. This worked well, but now i just had to move my site to a new provider. Then, i just did a complete backup of my site (including crm subdomain), and restored it in my new hosting. Then i rewrite database config in config.php but now it only show me the “install.php” template with this message:

I don’t want reinstall suitecrm, i only want that this keep as in my old server. How Can I fix it ?

Thanks for your help.

do you changed your host name? in the config.php there are two parameters you need to change if you move from one site to another (url)

'host_name' => ' ',
'site_url' => ' ',

best regards

Hi mike,

thanks for answer. I changed it. But the redirection keep there.

Nobody know what can be happen? How @mikebeck says i modified ‘host_name’ and ‘site_url’ properties but the redirection still thre.

Thanks for asking.