Template Pop Up Selection Display Limited?

I just finished creating over 50 templates for our quotes module and unfortunately you cannot see all of them when it comes to select one of them in the pop up. The templates are cut off at the bottom of the screen. There needs to be vertical scroll bar added to the popup once it displays a certain number of line items.

Not sue how we are going to work around this?

Doe anyone have any suggestions as this is live production and our sales team needs access to all quote templates?

see picture attached…



You can resolve this by doing the following steps:

Navigate to /modules/AOS_Quotes/views/ and copy the file named “view.detail.php”
Then, Navigate to /custom/modules/AOS_Quotes/views/ and paste the file into this folder.
If the /custom/modules/AOS_Quotes/views/ directory does not exist, feel free to create it, then paste the “view.detail.php” file into the /views/ folder.

In this newly copy/pasted custom file, navigate to line ~61. It should be something like:

Replace it with the following:

Then do a Quick Repair and Rebuild from the Admin > Repair Menu, and clear your cache on your browser.
CTRL+F5 on the Quotes page, and try to print PDF again.

If you have followed the steps correctly, There should be a scrollbar now, similar looking to the attached image.

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Thank You Thank You!

Our Team didn’t miss a beat because of your assistance.

While I was in the file I also made a few other changes so that when some one is looking at a template in mobile you can still see the entire selection box as well.

Here is the code I used starting at line 60…

echo ’

For some reason the code has disappeared from this valuable tip. Does anyone still has it? This is real annoying as I cannot select some templates.

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