Telefonnumbers Format

Good Morning everyone,

Big Question. I have a lot of Telefon Numbers in the System in the Format 01111-1111111 (Area Code + Regular Call Number)

For out new Phone System i have to convert this Numbers in the international Format like 00491111111111.

Can i do this with a Workflow? Or i have to convert every Number seperate?

Thanks for Help!

I think this would be tricky to do with a workflow. If I were doing it, I would do it at the database level. For example, I’m on MySQL and have phpMyAdmin… so I would use phpMyAdmin to write a query that updated all the phone number formatting.

If you really don’t want to do that, you could write a logic hook that converts the phone number when it is retrieved, I believe, so that what the user sees is the format you want, even though it is in the old format in the database.