Tasks or Calls disappear in Dashboard

Hello dear forum,

I keep having the problem that I create a “task” via the “Account” module using the quick create, and they either appear in the dashboard with the wrong start date and due date, or even sometimes not at all. The same is true for the “Calls” module - so far, I’ve only noticed the problem when I’ve created the tasks and calls using Quick Create. Does anyone know the problem and have possible solutions?

Kind regards,

Hi there,

Are you able to test using the demo instance we have just so we can perhaps see if it is specific to a scenario or your instance. username/password is will/will

A little more information about your version would be helpful.
What version of SuiteCRM are you running?
What date format are you using (m/d/y?)
What dashlet are you using (My Open Tasks?) ?
Have you made any customisations to the Task module?

Does any of your suitecrm.log state anything? It may not have anything in FATAL level, try DEBUG level and see what the logs perhaps hint at when you try and save a Task via quick create,

We have checked for the Task and Calls display on SuiteCRM Dashboard or not after quick creation by using the Account Module. I’m not facing the issue which you mentioned. Can you please tell me which version of SuiteCRM you’re using so we can check accordingly.


I am a colleague of Louis and want to check back:

We are using the following version:

Version 7.10.24

Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

The fact is that only two people are having the issue. We are using LDAP to sync the users and every user is created the same way.

We are using the date format (d/m/y).
Yes, it is the My Open Task Dashlet.
No customization to the Task Module.

Will try and see to check the logs when the affected user tries to save a task.

Kind regards.