Hi ! Iâm having issues getting SuiteCRM 's scheduled tasks to work.
Iâm using suiteCRM on a Windows server.
I created a batch file containing these two line as they appear in my Shedulerâs page :
Then I sheduled this file to be run every 5 minutes on windowâs job scheduler. The job is running successfully.
But it doesnât change anything in SuiteCRM, none of the scheduled tasks are launched.
I Donât know if I missed SomethingâŠ
I also tried running these lines :
Because my php-manager shows a different .exe file :
Letâs try and identify whether the problem is with the php install or with the cron task itself. Therefore:
cd into C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\ and have a look to see if there are any other php based exe files. You may find that there is a command line php.exe or php-cli.exe file depending on where you installed php from.
From the command line, can you try the alternative php executables with the -f cron.php arguments from within:
as cron.php relies on certain paths being relative to the cron.php file.
Your cron task is normally:
cd C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SuiteCRM
php cron.php
Where your php executable is in your $PATH
If this is the problem, then youâll see progress of the task in the console. After trying this, check whether the suiteCRM interface shows that the scheduler has run.
Can you also tell us whether you installed the php separately, or as part of a WAMP (or other bundled installation)?
Basically cron.php is relying on the other files being in the correct directory relative to the directory that youâre calling from.
The correct one is php.exe (as this is the command line one) php-cgi (is php âŠcommon gateway interface) which provides php parsing and interpretation capabilities to daemons such as your web server.
cd C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SuiteCRM
.â\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php.exeâ -f cron.php
Itâs running successfully every one minute in windowâs task scheduler, but it doesnât seem to work. It does not appear in suiteCRM task schedulerâŠ
So I tried running the batch file in Windows PowerShell, and hereâs what it says :
Sorry itâs in french, I Donât know how to change that, it means âcannot find the specified pathâ
cron.php is the overriding controller that runs the tasks that you see in your schedulerâŠ
In the suiteCRM web interface go to Admin->Scedulers.
You will see a range of tasks that that cron runs - If you select one of them, youâll see a log of previous runs
Thatâs what I expected - you need to correct the scheduler.bat as outlined above, and include the full path to the executable, INCLUDING THE DRIVE LETTER