Target Conversion available in version 8.7 (but not if upgrading to 8.7)

Weā€™re happy to have back Target conversion (thanks!!!)

So, it should be possible in 8.7 Releases :: SuiteCRM Documentation as seen in the demo, but we upgrade our SuiteCRM version from 8.3 to 8.7 and still cannot see the possibility to convert a Target.

How do enable (or debug) ?

@BastianHammer from your comment in SuiteCRM 8.7 Released! we understand itā€™s working for you. I guess your installation is an upgrade and not a pristine v 8.7 installationā€¦ did you need to do anything to enable it?

Hello @fraxx

yes, itā€™s finally working well - in 8.8 and 8.7.1
If itā€™s not working after an upgrade, it could be that there have been some HTML / template files not correctly written onto your instance. Maybe file permissions or similar?

I assume, youā€™ve done a quick repair and flushed the cache?
On the online demo itā€™s working for you as well, just not on in your upgraded environment?
If you try a new installation and copy only the frontend file into your upgraded environment, is it working then?

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thanks, Bastian.
permission I doubt (weā€™ve always had a script that fix it sistematically following suitecrm reccomandations, ā€¦ quick repair and flushed the cache: done, too)

If you try a new installation and copy only the frontend file into your upgraded environment, is it working then?

how do I copy the frontend file? :frowning:

it could be that there have been some HTML / template files not correctly written onto your instance

ahā€¦ can you give me some hints on how to check/debug this one?



Please look in the file public/legacy/modules/Leads/metadata/detailviewdefs.php

you will see a recordActions section there which will have the ā€˜convert-leadā€™ action
Most probably your instance has a custom detailviewdefs file for leads which does not have the recordActions defined in it. This is why your instance does not have convert lead functionality

What you need to do is copy the records actions from public/legacy/modules/Leads/metadata/detailviewdefs.php file into your public/legacy/custom/modules/Leads/metadata/detailviewdefs.php [custom file]

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thanks @abuzarfaris

In public/legacy/modules/Leads/metadata/detailviewdefs.php we do have the recordActions section, with action ā€œconvert-leadā€. Indeed we see ā€œconvert Leadā€ in the action menu for a Lead.

I see the same for Targets (Prospects), but I see a public/legacy/custom/modules/Prospects/metadata/detailviewdefs.php which I guess is over-writing: yes, I removed that file and now I see the ā€œConvert Targetā€ !!!

Thank you!!!