talend playing with custom fields?


OK, So i’m new and did another post about automating input of data, and don’t really have a clue. but, i’ve found my way to talend 6.1 Data Intergration, which seems interesting.

So i’ve got my input file and my tmap, and i’m then having it go to two SugarOutput files for updating Suite.

The one that connects to the accounts module is fantastic. But i have some custom account fields. So i’m struggling to update them, does anyone else use talend and if so what do I need to put in there. It seems to say I need to use “Use custom module” Then it asks for the Custom Module package name, and custom module name.

So for custom module package name i’ve tried “Accounts” and “accounts” and for the custom module_name “accounts_cstm” To try to connect to the accounts custom fields but I don’t really have a clue if they are the right thing or if I am entering rubbish in them.

If it works i’m not sure if it will show the scema for the custom fields or if i just need to tell it what they are manually, but am I on the right path if it’s as simple as just needing to put the correct thing in those two fields, anyone got any idea what to put in them :slight_smile:

The mysql database itself that holds the SuiteCRM data is called suite and it’s just the accounts_cstm fields i’m after not a new module that i’ve created.
