Table Width in Quotes DetailView at 50%

ok; So why is the detail view for Quotes using only 50% of the screen real estate? Adding new fields makes this very annoying. Where does one make a change for this to use more than 50%?

Hi vishmera, is this for the line item? Or are you discussing when you try to edit within Studio?



Will, I am trying to edit line_items.js

I have tried in studio but line items is a special case (I think). The right side of the table is grayed out in the quote details page using AOS_QUOTES.

Attaching a screen shot of what I am seeing:

Figured it out!

It is quite strange how the algorithm works (or not)…

I changed the ‘maxColumns’ => ‘1’ in detailviewdefs.php from ‘maxColumns’ => ‘2’

In the same file, I let the widths section remain like it was the defaults:
‘widths’ =>
array (
0 =>
array (
‘label’ => ‘10’,
‘field’ => ‘50’,
1 =>
array (
‘label’ => ‘10’,
‘field’ => ‘50’,

In Studio, since there are always 2 columns defined (some with ‘+’ and some with ‘-’), this forces the rows with two fields to use the width evenly amongst themselves where as if there is just one field defined in a Studio panel or tab, instead of it just using one column, it now uses the complete column width thus solving my problem. You can see this in the picture where the Locations field is using just one column and the second column is explicitly left blank where as in the Line Items, it is using the entire width of the row.

Attached is the screenshot of the final result.


U did the long procedure. Though it is correct, but that thing u can do it in studio only by

clicking the + button in the field

it will expand and ur workis done. I m attaching this two pic. check my cursor position.


Jaydeep, I agree with your suggestion, but the AOS_Quotes module is special as the line items are built dynamically via java script and not like the other modules.


Thanks for this solution. I have done this as well, but my Detail View has not changed. Is there a cache I should reset or some other trick?

Hi DCPaus,

This thing is same in detail view also . go to studio and click that (+) button it will expand , and it will work for u.

Hi I have also done this and it hasn’t worked, still the same problem

can u attach a screenshot that we can understand wats the problem… that will be helpful.

Here is the screenshot

show me the screen shot of studio of detailview layout

Here it goes

Try it i am not sure,

make the currency half . means one half column not fulll. line items let it be like that.
and others values all make half columns.

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Perfect!! Thank you

Hi DCPaus,

Check my attachment. Ur problem will be solved

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