Table fp_events_contacts_c doesn't exist

I tried to use the events module with contacts but I cant view the relationship in event.
I analyzed the file sugarcrm.log and found the follow error
MySQL error 1146: Table ‘suitecrm710.fp_events_contacts_c’ doesn’t exist

The version SuiteCRM 7.1


Hi there,

It seems your installation may have not run successfully. Did you install clean or upgrade? What is your Server/MySQL/PHP setup?



Fresh local install of 7.1.1 on Windows 7 (no problem with permissions)
after quick repair and rebuild we see

/* Table : fp_events_contacts_c /
MISSING TABLE: fp_events_contacts_c /
CREATE TABLE fp_events_contacts_c (id varchar(36) NOT NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,fp_events_contactsfp_events_ida varchar(36) NULL ,fp_events_contactscontacts_idb varchar(36) NULL ,invite_status varchar(25) DEFAULT ‘Not Invited’ NULL ,accept_status varchar(25) DEFAULT ‘No Response’ NULL ,email_responded int(2) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY fp_events_contacts_alt (fp_events_contactsfp_events_ida, fp_events_contactscontacts_idb)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
Table : fp_events_leads_1_c /
MISSING TABLE: fp_events_leads_1_c */
CREATE TABLE fp_events_leads_1_c (id varchar(36) NOT NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,fp_events_leads_1fp_events_ida varchar(36) NULL ,fp_events_leads_1leads_idb varchar(36) NULL ,invite_status varchar(25) DEFAULT ‘Not Invited’ NULL ,accept_status varchar(25) DEFAULT ‘No Response’ NULL ,email_responded int(2) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY fp_events_leads_1_alt (fp_events_leads_1fp_events_ida, fp_events_leads_1leads_idb)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

Hi Kir,

That’s a common issue with 7.1.1. The quick-repair fixes it.

Whenever anyone does a fresh install or upgrade, always run the standard CHMOD commands to make sure permissions are correct, and run a quick-repair.

1 Like

I made the quick repair and the problem was solved.
thanks for your answers.

In my case the quick repair and rebuild didn’t work.

I also noticed, comparing another install of SuiteCRM 7,1,1 that also the table fp_events_leads_1_c was missing.

What solved my problem was to recreate both tables with phpmyadmin:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fp_events_contacts_c` (
  `id` varchar(36) NOT NULL,
  `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `deleted` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
  `fp_events_contactsfp_events_ida` varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
  `fp_events_contactscontacts_idb` varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
  `invite_status` varchar(25) DEFAULT 'Not Invited',
  `accept_status` varchar(25) DEFAULT 'No Response',
  `email_responded` int(2) DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `fp_events_contacts_alt` (`fp_events_contactsfp_events_ida`,`fp_events_contactscontacts_idb`)


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fp_events_leads_1_c` (
  `id` varchar(36) NOT NULL,
  `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `deleted` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
  `fp_events_leads_1fp_events_ida` varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
  `fp_events_leads_1leads_idb` varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
  `invite_status` varchar(25) DEFAULT 'Not Invited',
  `accept_status` varchar(25) DEFAULT 'No Response',
  `email_responded` int(2) DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `fp_events_leads_1_alt` (`fp_events_leads_1fp_events_ida`,`fp_events_leads_1leads_idb`)

I hope this issue gets fixed in future releases.

Quick repair worked for me too. Just wondering why this problem started? It worked fine after installation. I launched diagnostic tools and repair before this problem started.
