That error message can be vague, and it very well might be other issues causing the upload to fail
I would expect the logo to upload if, as you mention, your Logo is PNG/JPG and within the size restrictions
(between 170px <-> 480px w/h)
However, another that is worth checking is that the Logo’s filename has no spaces in it
I believe the CRM can have issue if there are spaces in the filename, and the logo may not be uploaded
(ie: “my companylogo.jpg” should be changed to “mycompanylogo.jpg”)
If it still fails, perhaps it would be worth re-setting the file/folder permissions on the CRM instance
Then, run a Quick Repair and Rebuild
Then, try uploading again
Thank you for your follow up, and actually our developer has fixed this issue by creating the ‘images’ directory inside their ‘cache’ then it worked. Also, all the process you have mentioned above were failed on my situation. In fact, I tried everything what you have mentioned above.