System File Attachments Not Working in Email

Am working on the latest version, 7.2.1 and we are now unable to attach files from a local system to any email. It is the same in the Quick Compose or in the Email Module itself. Was wondering if anyone else is having this problem and has a fix.

Same here. No solution yet (although adding the files to your documents, and then selecting them does work).

Unfortunately, this is burdensome. Some customer service personnel have customer pricing spread sheet that do not need to be added to the crm, not to mention the time it takes to add it to the crm when they do not really need to. Hopefully there will be a fix soon.

This is a known bug. I will post a fix if one is found before being distributed in the main release.



Thanks, that’d be super handy

Hey Will,

I think there’s a file name collision bug as well. I can’t seem to add a file to my documents. For example. “report.pdf” for client A and another “report.pdf” for client B. This could be a good fix while poking around that part of the code…


Any news on the fix for this problem? It really slows things down… :frowning:

Addressed in 7.2.2 release.

Just updated to 7.2.2. - unfortunately no difference. Can’t attach local files. The button does not do anything.

Quick Repair & Rebuild in Admin -> Repair. Also try ‘Rebuild JS Groupings’.

Hi Will.

Unfortunately “Quick Repair & Rebuild in Admin -> Repair. Also try ‘Rebuild JS Groupings’.” did not help att all.
When composing a new E-mail through Contacts (or Accounts or Opportunities) the “Add files” button does not do anything.
“Add Documents” opens a dialogue as it should.
When composing an e-mail from E-Mails the Attach -button (nor Options) button does not work at all. Nothing happens.

Any other suggestions?



Hello again Will,

I did some more repair and finally got the “Add files” attachments working. This is what I did:
First I did: Rebuild JS Compressed Files ----> result: Add files worked once and then stopped working.
I did Repair JS Files and Rebuild JS Compressed Files again ----> result: now Add files seems to work (hopefully permanently).

Unfortunately: E-mails -> Compose ->Attach (nor Options) does not work at all.

Best regards,


The problem returned and I can not fix it again with the same procedure.


I have just run into the same issue with version 7.7.8.
Can not attach a PDF file to email. Also can not upload as a document to the CRM.
Any fix for this?

hey. got the same problem with 7.8.1
deployed on a local server. cannot add a photo, change the logo, attach any documents, create new users!