Sutie8.4.1 Icons for custom modules missing

I’m having problems figuring out how to show icons for custom modules in 8.4.1.

Previously i could set icons by setting .suitepicon-module-myCustomMod:before{content:“\f15b”} in custom/themes/SuiteP/ccs/Dawn/style.css.

In 8.4.1, im trying to do the same thing with custom/themes/suite8//css/Dawn/style.css, but it has no effect.

I’ve emptied the cache and ran QR&R but no luck.

I’ve also noticed that the log file says [WARN] ModuleNameMapper | mapName | ‘myCustomMod’ not mapped to ‘frontend’?


i i’d that thing again where i post a question and then it work!

there must have been a issue with browser caching or something, or an error in the cs. this worked …

@charset "UTF-8";

.moduleTitle{max-width: 100% !important}

@media (max-width: 750px) {
    .moduleTitle {
        width: 100% !important;
        text-align: left;
        align-items: flex-end
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I think we need to do the following two things once we edit style.css in custom folder.

  1. Delete cache/themes/Suite8 folder
  2. Empty cache and hard reload on the browser

Happy coding !!!