Survey Responses not showin contact or Account

I created and responde survey
but the subpanel Survey Responses added a new hidden field (Contact Name) from studio > Surveys > Subpanels > Survey Respones0

this contact not showin in the list

Note, I see the contact on detail of SurveyResponses,

fixed the contact_name and account_name adding a relationship in

Adding next code:

    $dictionary['SurveyResponses']['relationships']['surveyresponses_contacts'] = array(
    	'lhs_module' => 'Contacts',
    	'lhs_table' => 'contacts',
    	'lhs_key' => 'id',
    	'rhs_module' => 'SurveyResponses',
    	'rhs_table' => 'surveyresponses',
    	'rhs_key' => 'contact_id',
    	'relationship_type' => 'one-to-one',
    $dictionary['SurveyResponses']['relationships']['surveyresponses_accounts'] = array(
    	'lhs_module' => 'Accounts',
    	'lhs_table' => 'accounts',
    	'lhs_key' => 'id',
    	'rhs_module' => 'SurveyResponses',
    	'rhs_table' => 'surveyresponses',
    	'rhs_key' => 'account_id',
    	'relationship_type' => 'one-to-one',

Repair and thats it