Survey Public URL Error 500

Hi Guys,

I have installed SuiteCRM via CPanel installatron. It all works as expected with so far one issue.

If i create a Survey and make it public, When i click follow the link i get an error 500. I have tried in Chrome and Internet explorer with the same results.

I have checked the log in debug mode and no errors are listed.

Does anyone have experience of this issue and know how to fix it ?

Many thanks


Did you check also your web server log? This is the one defined in your php.ini.

A 500 error is a server crash, there should be a message from PHP saying what went wrong…

I didn’t check the server log. But i gather that surveys do not work!

I tried the demo account Will/Will with exactly the same issues. To be honest i’m not that bothered about it now.

thanks though!



I opened a new issue for this:

anybody found a fix for this issue, i´m trying of use surveys, but is not working wiht a public IP, surveys module works fine if the ip is private, but when i put it on public, get error 500

Hi tadhius, welcome.

You should always say what SuiteCMR version you’re running.

Do you have this fix already applied in your system? Does it solve your problem?

It’s part of the latest packages, so you can simply upgrade if you don’t have that yet.