Survey module

I have a strange problem with this module.
I cannot make it appear in the menu. This is not a new installation but upgraded to 7.10.
I am an administrator and I have enabled it for my role in security.
The module is listed under Administration -> Configure Module Menu Filters but not under Profile->Layout Options->Display Modules
There it is listed in include/modules.php:
$beanList[‘Surveys’] = ‘Surveys’;
$beanFiles[‘Surveys’] = ‘modules/Surveys/Surveys.php’;
$moduleList[] = ‘Surveys’;
As well as other related modules:SurveyQuestions, SurveyResponses
It is not banned for ajax…
There it is under Administration->Studio as well…

I even did Administration->Repair->Repair roles
Cleared cache…

BUT: I can access it by manually typing: /index.php?module=Surveys
I have even made one dummy survey just to make sure I can use it.

But still no luck…Cant make it appear in the menu…

Hi Mijalkovic,

Have you moved it from “Hidden Modules” to “Displayed Modules” in the admin panel -> display modules and subpanels section?

Yes I did. And it was still missing.
How ever after restarting apache the menu appeared.
I don’t know why that helped but it is good enough. Solved it.

Hi, the same problem with Version 7.10.4 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

OS Windows 7, Browser - Chrome 72.0.3626.109
Surveys presented in

  2. Display Modules and Subpanels

I delete and add back survey module to display settings and menu filters settings.
I quick repaired number of times the CRM.
I logoff and login back several times.

I restarted httpd but still have the problem.

Solution: just request the link to the module directly like https:// your domain /index.php?module=Surveys
But it still not works for other tabs or browser windows.

An idea:
Maybe here is a problem with CRM internal cache?
Because total refresh browser windows and tabs didnt help (ctrl+shift+F5).
