Survey module

I can not include the link to the survey questions directly to track the responses in the campaign.
Is that just me?

New feature, I’ve never used it… :slight_smile:

Have you read the docs?

Thanks for the answer.
I read the documentation, it is not difficult to deal with.
It works name, description and field status, but the questionnaire and its link does not, simply goes blank.

Check the “Status” field. If it is “Draft”, there is no URL field. Change it to Public.

I did it exactly that way, I posted and the link was generated normally.
The problem is when I insert into the campaign, if the link is inserted directly it does not track the responses. If you try to enter the fields it does not identify the search link and neither the form.

I’m sorry, but my unfamiliarity with this new feature makes it hard for me to follow this, and I don’t really have the necessary time this week to go out and test this myself.

Maybe you can post some screenshots to explain this better, but instead of doing it here, try opening an Issue on Github, maybe other developers can check it and tell you if it’s a bug or by design (for some reason). Thanks