SuiteP issues

Did a fresh install of 7.7.1 and having two SuiteP-related issues:

  1. left-menu won’t collapse. No cursor upon mouseover the button (id=’#buttontoggle’)
  2. Custom dashlet “titles” (class=‘dashlet-title’) preceded by resulting in broken image icons (Where do I get rid of this extraneous code?)

Please see attached and advize.

Thank You,

PS: Updated to 7.7.2 and issue persists


for there can be only two reasons.

  1. Check the permissions (after the upgrade - but must have partly been enough to install the new version)

  2. Check the PHP version as described (Not every version responds in the same way, as I have myself observed. The config.php should be checked.)

Last point would there still, activate ajax.

I think this was fixed in the release of 7.7.2
See this GitHub issue log

And the release notes for 7.7.2


Like I wrote in my OP, I tried that.

Does anyone know where the dashlet templates are generated???

It shouldn’t be generating an empty image tag for custom dashlets.
It should either have no tag or have a generic icon.


Yes I had seen that the upgrade has already been performed …

The solution lies in my answer …

Hi boblangdon,

you should place your icon in themes/SuiteP/images/sidebar/modules/ and should preferably be in MyModuleName.svg format.
Then you can add to:


$dashletMeta[‘MyModuleNameDashlet’] = array( ‘module’ => ‘MyModuleName’,
‘title’ => translate(‘LBL_HOMEPAGE_TITLE’, ‘MyModuleName’),
‘description’ => ‘A customizable view into MyModuleName’,
‘category’ => ‘Module Views’);

if its not in svg format, (lets say its in .gif format) then it should be:

$dashletMeta[‘MyModuleNameDashlet’] = array(‘module’ => ‘MyModuleName’,
‘title’ => translate(‘LBL_HOMEPAGE_TITLE’, ‘MyModuleName’),
‘description’ => ‘A customizable view into MyModuleName’,
‘icon’ => ‘something.gif’,
‘category’ => ‘Module Views’);

Thanks. That’s helpful.

But the dashlets aren’t module-generated, but homepage dashlets accessed via Website URL.

In that case, where would I out $dashletMeta?

I’d rather not have icons – never had any ion the past, but SuiteP seems to be insisting on it. I would think if there is no icon defined it would simply not generate an img tag.

Seems like a bug to me. Do you know where the img tag is generated?


I checked my permissions and php version (5.5.35) before posting, so I don’t understand how either can causes an empty img tag to be generated in “.dashlet-title”

I also don’t see how it would cause “$(’#buttontoggle’).click(function()” to fail. I can see the jQuery in the source code and firebug is showing no errors.

Please explain.

Hi boblangdon,

if its not a custom dashlet, then as it was mentioned by other community members in this thread, it has been fixed in the latest release.
I have the latest version and cannot observe these issues. Hope this helps.


They are custom dashlets.
They are NOT related to any module.
They are webages embedded in the homepage.

Where is code img src="" being generated? I’ll fix it.

PS: I am using SuteCRM v7.7.2.
Firefox browser displays broken img icons for empty tags. It’s bad html.


All icons should now be fixed in 7.7.3

I found the bad code in ‘/themes/SuiteP/include/Dashlets/DashletHeader.php’:

  <img src="{sugar_getimagepath file_name=$DASHLET_MODULE file_extension='svg' directory='sidebar/modules'}"><span>{$DASHLET_TITLE}</span>

That needs to be wrapped in a conditional statement.
something like this works:

  <img src="{sugar_getimagepath file_name=$DASHLET_MODULE file_extension='svg' directory='sidebar/modules'}">

of course I’ve put this in /custom/ until it gets fixed in a later release.

Strange thing… editing ‘/custom/themes/SuiteP/include/Dashlets/DashletHeader.php’ doesn’t work.
I have to edit the core file at ‘/themes/SuiteP/include/Dashlets/DashletHeader.php’ to get a result.

What am I missing?