I want to sync google calendar with suitecrm8.
I’ve already configured the json file under Google Calendar Settings
But after I hit the button Authorize in Profile->Advance-> Google Account Synchronization
I’m getting infinite warnings
Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm8ssl\public\index.php on line 43
and the system gets stuck in a infinite loop showing that warning and the sync never happens
SuiteCrm 8.0.4
Xampp v3.3.0
Apache 2.4
PHP 7.4.28
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Could not get this to work myself but as for your exact error:
Edit public/index.php
if (!empty($legacyRoute['dir'])) {
$path .= '/' . $legacyRoute['dir'];
$legacyRoute['dir'] = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\public\\legacy";
$legacyRoute['file'] = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\public\\legacy\\index.php";
This fixes both the error you were getting (chdir()) and the next error of just a blank screen caused by an infinite loop of require $legacyRoute['file'];
with the file being public/index.php; which is the same file.
You can check if you are having this exact issue by print_r($legacyRoute);
after $legacyRoute = $kernel->getLegacyRoute($request);
to check that [dir] is empty and [file] is ‘index.php’
After this I get a redirect_uri_mismatch error.
I also have an error (maybe) where it adds 2 // to the end of my domain before the index.php.
I have added this to my redirect URI on google along with it as a single / (both with and without the &getnew section totalling 4 redirect uris) and I’m still getting this error.