SuiteCRM Upgrade from 7.14.xx to 8.x on windows

Hi everybody,
Sorry to disturb the community, but I’m new on SuiteCRM, and I have installed the version 7.14.xx on windows based Xampp package (PHP, Apache, Mysql).
Now, I want to upgrade to the version 8.x.x.
I notice that Windows is not in the Compatibility Matrix, and indeed, in the migration documentation (SuiteCRM from 7 to 8), there is a linux command that does not exist in the bin directory of my version 7 instance.
Could you tell me if it is possible to upgrade from 7.14.x to 8.x.x in windows environment ?
If yes, have you any reference or documentation that explain the manner to do it ?



You can still follow the compatability matrix even if it’s a XAMPP setup.

I’m assuming you mean the ./bin/console suitecrm commands?

From memory, these can be run from the XAMPP shell you just need to be in the suite directory for it to work as it’s looking for the bin directory in the suite folder structure - not the typical linux bin :slight_smile:

Hi dhuntress,

Sorry to answer you only now, but I was in hollidays and I come back only now.

Thank you verry much for your answer. That’s wright, my question was about the the /bin/console to run.

After some research, I notice that is not a binary file.
It is a php file, and i have tried to execute it under Xampp shell and under windows command console.

But I have the following message without success …

user@JWLAP002 c:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM85
# php .\bin\console suitecrm:app:upgrade -t SuiteCRM-8.5.0
Bad data passed in; <a href="http://localhost/SuiteCRM85">Return to Home</a>
user@JWLAP002 c:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM85

Could you help me ?

