SuiteCRM to be on Local NAS-Cloud, how ???

I have now a NASserver — (Synology DS216play)-- and I see it in Network and can approach/read the files.NAS has also a (local) Cloud Server.
I have copied my datafiles from (Bitnami) SuiteCRM from my local C: to the NasServer,…sofar so good.

OLD connection was http://localhost/suitecrm/index.php?module=Home&action=index and

my NEW connection should be : plus user xxx passw yyy

How to connect /login ?? Tried a Shortcut/link on my desktop with :5000 but it does not work.

Do I need to (Bitnami) Local Install again on the NASserver?? because the SuiteCRM Cloud is more for Amazon,Azure etc etc.


you should activate the webserver addon in the Synology Disk Station

you can’t just copy the files and expect them to work, you need to setup as a web server

best regards

I have already Synology Disk Station in Synology Control Panel-.Infocenter- Service “Check” (green) enabled, that was already so, and after" testing connection", it gave “LAN accesible”

but my question is more:
If I install SuiteCRM (from Bitname) download, should I use the local installer exe or the Cloud, in the last case I see only Amazone,Azure,GoDaddy etc)

See attachment, where to run the installer (i take the "Local installer.exe) I get error, see…


Hi Mike…

I want to go and buy a NAS drive to install Suite CRM? Which would you suggest? QNAP 231? Is that fine?

@Petrovlis just reading this now, I think that your figured this already, but just for the record you can’t upload an exe file to a webserver and install from there, you must copy the web contents from SuiteCRM download and then fire the install url

@Alcaseisa i’m not familiar with QNAP, but if it has a webserver embebed I think that it will work

best regards

do you know thecus N2310? beacuse I tried to add suite crm to that but cannot get it to work…

No, i’m not familiar with that either. Sorry.

best regards