SuiteCRM set_entry API gives response as empty

I tried to add new record under account module using REST api , the records was created in suitecrm BUT there is no response after request , i’m getting empty window and postman saying 500 internal error ,kindly check my screen short for more details.

Your web server log files should have some information on what is causing the 500 error. Have you looked there?

Hi thanks for your reply , i’m gettong this following error in my error_log file can you check that ?

[30-Jul-2018 14:51:44 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function iconv() in /CRM/modules/AOD_Index/Lib/Zend/Search/Lucene/Field.php on line 222

iconv is a PHP extension. You need to make sure it is enabled in your PHP.ini file.