Suitecrm search does not return any results (but standard SugarCRM search does)


I’ve made a clean install of SuiteCRM v 7.1.2-max. After some testing, it was clear that the default SuiteCRM search (the one via search input in top navigation bar) doesn’t work. If I use default SugarCRM search option, I get the expected results. I’ve inspected sugarcrm.log and have found no useful information whatsoever.

Any ideas why this behavior? Would very appreciate if someone could help me with this.

Thank you for your answers in advance!


Make sure you have the scheduled tasks set to Active for Lucene Index and Optimize AOD index.

Admin -> Scheduled Task

Then you need a cronjob to perform the scheduled tasds. The cronjob code is at the bottom of the screen.

Hope this helps,

I had this too
As mentioned above - you need to set up and run the cron job on your hosting.
One of tasks is to update the index for the advanced search.


I actually dont see Perform Lucene index and Optimise AOD Index jobs in my Schedulers settings page. Also, I dont have options for either of them in Create Job form. So I’ve added two other jobs that suggest indexing: Optimise Advanced OpenDiscovery Index and Index unindexed documents.

Now, I get the following error:

[ERROR] Unable to load custom logic file: include/SugarSearchEngine/SugarSearchEngineQueueManager.php

Ive checked include/folder and noticed that SugarSearchEngine folder is missing. Not promising …