suiteCRM SAML integration with google

Hello everyone,
i am trying to configure google SAML SSO with suteCRM. i have created app in google admin console, i have enabled SAML Auth in my suiteCRM and have fill the form that appears after we check the SAML Checkbox.
now when i access my suiteCRM it redirects to google, when i give credentials it logs in successfully but i get an error ‘Error: app_not_configured_for_user’
what could be the reason and what is the solution. Please help

SuiteCRM (SugarCRM) already has Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authentication support out of the box, if it is not working well.

You need you to fix/develop a solution in our SuiteCRM instance to use SAML, so our users can use their Google Cloud credentials to sign in.

Thank You for your reply.
i have enabled the SAML Authentication in my suiteCRM instance and i have created the app in google admin console.
please visit the URL below
after user is redirected to google login, i give credentials but i am getting error “Error: app_not_configured_for_user”

how can i resolvve this?

I have run into this same issue was there ever a solution? I have been trying to back out because I can no longer log in as an admin

edit your config_override.php. Password settings are stored there and commenting them will enable you to login again (add // in front of those lines).

I am having an identical issue on 7.11.19. Was a solution to getting this working ever found?