SuiteCRM PWA Creation

I Needs help any one suggest me how can i create a PWA application for SuiteCRM. and how to integrate the location in SuiteCRM.

What is PWA? :thinking: Is it another software or framework?

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app with a front end that offers the user experience of a mobile app, and it works the same on any device.

  • Built with standard web technologies HTML, CSS and JavaScript, allows it to work on any device with a web browser.
  • Installable as a shortcut on a device’s home screen, just like a native app.
  • Works offline, thanks to service workers that cache content for later use.
  • Offers browser push notifications to keep all users informed.
  • Responsive design ensures it adapts to different physical screen sizes, DPI, and screen resolutions.

PWAs combine the best of both worlds: web and native apps. They’re discoverable through search engines, just like websites, and provide an app-like feel for users. This makes them an attractive option for business apps to reach a wider audience without the complexities of developing separate apps for desktop browser, tablet, and mobile.

You can make modifications to Suite 8 (which is built with Angular) to use Angular/PWA.

Thanks @chris001 for your reply, Now i am using SuiteCRM-7.

  1. Can i create pwa with this version and how i create.
  2. I think SuiteCRM-8 is not a stable version so i am trying to use SuiteCRM-7
  3. Please give me a proper path how can i use SuiteCRM and i need a app so i want to create a PWA, so give me the direction.

Hello Rakesh,

If you’re working with 7, maybe you want to check out this one:

However, ‘not a stable version’ probably depends, on what you need?
There are a few gaps, but they seem to be rather specific.
And using GraphQL instead of individual REST calls seems to be the way forward, especially for PWA / JS / apps etc.