Hi, I have a Versión 8.3.0 why does suitecrm not work with PHP 8.3? What can be done to make it work? Thanks
It’s a lot of work to check a huge codebase like SuiteCRM for the necessary changes with every PHP upgrade. There are tools to help with job, but it’s not always straight-forward. This work has not been done yet. SuiteCRM developers are a small team, it’s quite hard to keep up with upgrades and security fixes and deliver a new app like SuiteCRM v8 (almost a full rewrite) at the same time.
You can help by doing this work yourself and creating a PR on Github with the proposed changes. But it will be complicated and my advice is just to downgrade PHP to 8.2 (takes about two minutes) and be patient
Ok we will continue using current php thank you very much
PHP 8.3 isn’t too far away anymore:
Here you can try beta version of SuiteCRM 8.8 with PHP 8.3