SuiteCRM not fully loading on custom domain

Iā€™m running SuiteCRM 8 in a docker container on a Synology DS920 using the bitnami package. It is running the latest release.

All is well when running and accessing on the local 192 address, however when I route the container through a custom domain ( it only partially loads. I do this via Synology WebStation with an OpenSSL certificate that is working.

I can open the login page fine. After logging in, the small house icon is present in the upper left, however none of the top menu options are visible. I cannot seem to access any records. The + is there but has no submenu entries, and the user button only has ā€œLog outā€.

I have had this image running in this exact manner before, but now that Iā€™ve redeployed from scratch itā€™s hitting this snag. Upgrading, resetting the container does not fix it. I feel it may be a problem with the .htaccess.

Any assistance is welcome.

Probably, you should try this and also set file permissions:

sudo chown -R daemon:daemon .

from your SuiteCRM root folder.

Check site_url in the config file. Also, user & owner

site_url => ā€˜ā€™,

I confirmed the above. No difference.

I wiped and reinstalled the container with a fresh install. Identical problem out of the gate.

To emphasise: It works fine locally. It partly stops working when routed through a custom domain. That doesnā€™t seem like file permissions to me.

Any other suggestions?

Hello David,

that might not help, but Iā€™m curious:
If youā€™re running inside a docker container, why not install it by yourself, instead of the bitnami image?
Maybe things are easier if you remove some layers from your tech stack?

In general, rsp hinted into the common direction.
Most issues here with navigation / issues on the frontend are usually:

  • permissions on the file system
  • rewrite / server setup
  • maybe some file changes / config on the SuiteCRM side

If you need to keep your tech stack, try into that direction.
Since it is working locally, maybe there is something else DNS / firewall related?

Hello again,

So a further update which I hope will be specific enough to point to the cause.

Iā€™ve noticed that if I manually browse to the /administrator/upgrade URL, and select the ā€œQuick Repair and Rebuildā€ option, this solves the problemā€¦ but only for the current session/browser tab.

If I close/reopen, or use another device, the top menu is gone again. Running the above procedure restores it every time for that single session.

Do these details signpost the problem at all?

Sorry, but to me, this only makes your problem even more mysteriousā€¦ :thinking: